1. Jagmal Kachwaha was son of MaharajPrithviraj of Amber(Jaipur)
2. His mother was daughter of Rao LunKaran of Bikaner and was very close to Maharaj Prithviraj .
3. According to Diggi Thikana recordsdate of birth of Jagmal was 1507. Thereis no clue in history that Jagmal was elder son or not.
4. Jagmal was very brave and with hisfather Prithviraj he fought against Babar in battle of Khanwa from Rana Sanga’sside in 1527, that was his first battle.
5. According to Dr. Shambhu SinghManohar Jagmal Kachwaha after lots of battle and hard work together with hisbrave sons, Khangar,Singhdev,Jai singh (Jaisa),Sarangdev and Ramchandra’s helpconquered Jobner, Naraina, Kalakh,Boraj and near by land by defeating rulers ofthese regions
6. That time this part of land was ruledby Rao Hameer and Rao Alaran or Hameerdeka Kachwaha and Jogi Kachwaha.
7. First battle was fought in Boraj inyear 1549 against Alarandev.
8. In this battle Rao Jagmaal was winnerbut he looses his three brave sons Jaisingh(jaisa), Singhdev, Sarangdev.
9. Singhdev Ji’s memorial is at BorajFort hill. Jaisa ji’s is near Kanwarpura hill. Sarangdev ji’s memorial is nearBandi river on Jobner and Boraj way.
10. Afterthis Jagmal with his two remaining sons Khangar and Ramchandra conquer Jobnerand Rao Hameer was killed.
11. Accordingto Rawal Saheb Narendra Singh Ji of Jobner Rao Jagmal conquer it in 1554.
12. RaoJagmal on his name created a new village between Jobner and Sambhar named asJagmaalpura.
13. RaoJagmal then conquer Naraina and near by Jagirs .
14. Accordingto Diggi Thikana record, had 5 sons from 9 wives following are the name of hiswives – 1. Sodi Umarkot’s Surajmal’s daughter Nait Kanwar 2. Karnot’s ChandraKanwar 3. Barkhawati daughter of Rawal Sangram Singh of Jaisalmer 4. Khiwkaranof Pokhran’s daughter Borangde 5. Maidta rathore Daduji’s daughter and Granddaughter of Jodha ji Rani Kisnawati 6. Chauhan’s Balkaran’s daughter Borangde7. Sodi Gangraina Maheshdas’s daughter Rani sada Kanwar 8. Chauhan of Chitawa’sdaughter 9. Chauhan Parbatsar’s daughter.
15. JagmalKachwaha’s elder son Rao Khangar created Khangarot Clan of Kachwahas andJagmal’s younger son Ramchandra left Rajputana due to some property disputewith his brother Rao Khangar.
16. Ramchandrathen went towards north and creat a new Empire of his own . The name of hiskingdom was on the name of Kachwaha Kull Devi Jamuwai Mata and that was Jammunear Tapi river.
17. Laterhe become the ruler of independent state Jammu and Kashmir.
18. Afterdeath of Maharaja of Amber Raja Prithviraj, Rao Jagmal become the ruler ofAmber for some time, after that Bharmal become the ruler
19. Accordingto Rawal Narendra Singh Ji of Jobner Jagmal and Bharmal were twins there wasimmense love between the two.
20. Accordingto book Umrai Hanud Akbar give Raja Bharmal the MANSAB OF AMBER in 1558 and inthe same year Akbar give Jagmal the MANSAB OF 1000 OF NARAINA, JOBNER, KALAKH
21. BothRaja Bharmal and Jagmal were the ROYAL MANSABDAR OF DELHI STATE.
22 RAOJagmal was efficient, trustfull Army General. He fought in many battles fromDelhi State and give proof of his Valor and Bravery. He was the most trust fullGeneral in eyes of Akbar.
23. Inthe year 1558 Rao Jagmal was part of Army which was sent against Rao RatanSingh of Jetaran a rathore ruler. In this Army Jaymal Rathore of Medta was infavour of Jagmal.
24. RaoRatan Singh was killed and Akbar’s Army wins the battle.
25. Afterwinning Jetaran Akbar target Marwar ruler Rao Maldev and the army sent againstMaldev Jaymal Rathore was part of this Army too with Rao Jagmal
26.Thisbattles took place because Rao Jaymal Rathore of Medta went to Akbar and askfor help to regain his kingdom Medta which was under Marwar ruler Maldev.
27. Akbarwins the battle and Medta was given to Jaymal Rathore. After sometime Akbarwent angry with Jaymal Rathore due to some political reasons and he took awaythe right of Ruling Medta from Jaymal Rathore and he selected Rao JagmalKachwaha as the Governor of Medta in 1563.
28. Inthe 18th year of his Ruling Period Akbar targets Gujarat and at thattime Rao Jagmal was selected as Camp Commander of the biggest Army Camp ofAkbar in year 1573.
29. RaoJagmal spent his whole life in battles only. He was very Brave Ruler and ArmyGeneral with his his intelligence and bravery he won the large Land Area ofNaraina, Jobner, Kalakh, Boraj etc which after Independence also Ruled by hisKhangarot Heirs.
30.Hewas not-only brave warrior but was also Munificent Personality.
31. Ina year 1582 Rao Jagmal Kachwaha died.
32. Accordingto Diggi Thikana records he was 75yrs old.
33. Accordingto Kr Dev Singh of Mandawa Jagmal died in Jobner, but according to BorajThikana Record Rao Jagmal died in Agra where his memorial (Chatri) near Yamunariver was built.